The RespondeR Bottled Liquid Scanner (BLS) is a desktop system that can accurately distinguish threat liquids from bening liquids. The ability to screen sealed bottles reduces inspection time. RespondeR BLS utilizes field and lab-proven Raman Spectroscooy technology, also in the RespondeR RCI used by emergency responders worldwide.
The device features a touch screen display with a simple user interface. Bottles are placed inside a safety enclosure where their contents are scanned with a 785-nm near infrared laser source. The safety enclosure is designed to protect the operatorand public from exposure to the laser. The scan and analysis are completed within 20 seconds with results compared to the on-board threat library, which contains an assortment of different chemical substances. The library can be easily modified as threats change.
Feature Highlights
- Can easily scan clear, translucent and frosted unopened glass or plastic bottles
- Quick analysis time of 20 seconds
- Uses low energy powered laser <110mW
- Easy to understand results: Threat/No Threat